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Acupuncture Treatment


Acupuncture treatments include cupping therapyelectro-stimulation, or moxibustion as needed.


Use of fine acupuncture needles on specific points and areas of the body guided by individual conditions (neuromuscular, pain, digestion, stress, fatigue, women's health & more). Acupuncture in combination with other Traditional ChineseMedicine modalities treats a wide variety of conditions by stimulating micro-circulation, decreasing inflammation, and regulating the limbic, endocrine, respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems. Acupuncture is also effective for relieving muscle pain and tension through release of myofascial trigger points.


For the complete list of clinically-tested conditions treated by acupuncture according to the World Health Organization:

click here.

Chinese Medicine Herbs


Chinese herbal formulas tailored to the individual, used internally or topically. Available in patent pills, granule tea, and raw decoctions. Herbal consultation required for a prescription. We also have proprietary pre-made formulas for common conditions of: allergies, arthritis, cough, eczema, energy, fibromyalgia, insomnia, menopause, migraines, psoriasis, sciatica, stress, tendinitis, and more.

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Specialty cosmetic acupuncture treatment for fresher-looking skin. A safe and natural alternative to other cosmetic procedures for more youthful, fresher skin.


Benefits include:

  • reduction of fine lines, acne scars

  • tightening and lifting of skin

  • improvement of muscle tone, elasticity, and collagen production

  •  evened skin tone, improved complexion

  • lifting of drooping eyelids


10-treatment programs are available following the initial treatment. Please contact our clinic for more details.


Please note: As this is a treatment involving the skin's natural regenerative abilities, actual results vary by individual.

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